The RSHL Midi Smart is acompact easy-to-use ACsemiconductor motor controller with which 3-phasemotors with nominal currentsup to 18A can be soft startedand/or soft stopped.The RSHL Midi Smart controls 2 phases only, while thethird phase is continouslyconnected to the load. Softstarting and soft stopping isachieved by controlling themotor voltage. During normalrunning operation (<20A) thesemiconductors are bypassedby internal electromechanicalrelays. Ramp profile, overloadtrip class, current limit settings and alarm parametersare user adjustable via thefront panel.Eight LEDs on the front panelindicate the states and alarmsof the softstarter. The RSHLMIDI Smart includes an Endof ramp auxiliary relay, Alarmauxiliary relay, and overtemperature protection. TheRSHL Midi Smart has an integrated Current Limit andOverload Protection. TheRSHL Midi Smart comes withan integrated heatsink and isready to mount on DIN rail.